WILDCAT and I are mapping out plans for a September hike. This just might happen!
The Bigfoot Trail is a long distance hiking trail through the Klamath Mountains of northwest California and (briefly) southwest Oregon. The trail begins in the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness and ends near the Redwood National Park at the Pacific Ocean in Crescent City, CA. The major focus of the trail is conifer diversity, passing 32 species along 360 miles, passing through six wilderness areas and one national park.
Of the 360 miles, about 100 miles are along seldom used Forest Service Roads while the remaining segments are mostly unmaintained backcountry trails, other than a brief section that coincides with the Pacific Crest Trail. This trail cannot be hiked quickly; much of the trail has been unmaintained for decades, and expert skills in map and compass are required. This will definitely be a challenge for outdoor skills.