The lady at the cell phone store tried to be helpful, but the Wi-Fi was very slow because it was on the same channel as a more powerful Wi-Fi router next door. She was prohibited from picking a different channel. She explained that everything is controlled by the head office. She was told could get fired if she moves a USB scanner from one PC to another. Even the radio volume is controlled centrally. She has adopted the strategy of letting problems fester and keeping her head down.
The hiker used to enjoy his package delivery job.
He'd pick up his deliveries and based on the locations and traffic he'd pick a route that delivered the most packages fastest. Then the routes started coming from supervisors. Deliveries were scheduled to the minute. One driver was written up because he made an unscheduled stop to pee. Another was written up because he fell 14 minutes behind the schedule. All joy and pride in doing good work evaporated.
He'd pick up his deliveries and based on the locations and traffic he'd pick a route that delivered the most packages fastest. Then the routes started coming from supervisors. Deliveries were scheduled to the minute. One driver was written up because he made an unscheduled stop to pee. Another was written up because he fell 14 minutes behind the schedule. All joy and pride in doing good work evaporated.
Spirit and I both watched large companies incrementally gut the roles of both professional and rank and file workers, moving the thinking far away from the hands doing the work. Decisions were slow and ill advised, and the failures started the never-ending series of layoffs.
Another hiker notes that his large company has gone the same way. Ironically his company routinely topped the "Most Respected" list a few years ago.
Another hiker spent seven months teaching English in China, watching as creativity was crushed by the school teachers and administration, and children were taught not to think or question.
American business complains that our educational system is failing to produce skilled workers. Is it? Or is business failing to use and develop them?
Am I just seeing an unfortunate selection of bad American management? Do you know ones that inspire employees to stretch higher, to develop and grow? Comment on your experiences.
The hiker jokes that she'll be okay either way. She's fluent in Mandarin.
19.4 miles to Swatara Gap PA 72
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