Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Monday, June 17, 2013


My feet hurt. Even the triple zero did not eliminate the aching. Both big toes hurt on the outer edge. A sharp nerve pain rises from the base of the metatarsals on the left foot. The right little toe hurts constantly. Several toes remain numb. The pads of the forefeet feel like they went a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson.

I can hear my son: "Nobody is forcing you to hike. Either stop hiking or stop whining."

Okay, I'll stop whining. I just wish my feet would stop hurting. 

20.9 Miles to Blue Mountain Summit


  1. Great to meet you on the trails today. -carrie

  2. Yeah, I see life as a set of choices you make, either do this or that. It simplifies everything into small bite size decisions but the greater impact is always considered, so yeah you are correct that is what I would say... you know me too well. I am glad and proud to know that you pushed through the pain and found the joy and finished the trail!
