Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Finish - Sep 29

I haven't seen the Atlantic Ocean since the Florida Keys. Today I see it again. A brilliant blue sky, calm air, and a flat sea. Tranquility. Peace. Calm. 

I stop for a few minutes of quiet solitude. Who can explain the magic serenity that comes from watching the sea? 

Lucy, Craig, and some of their neighbors and co-workers join me for the last couple of miles. It's great to have the company as we chatter about nothing in particular, and walk down the gorgeous coastline.

Mid-day, I cross the finish line. Lucy and Craig even strung a banner across their driveway, and have a bottle of champagne waiting. 

With a quick flourish, it is over. The trek is done. I spend the afternoon enjoying time with family. Tomorrow is still distant. Today we finish the trek.

What does it feel like? Well, there really isn't any particular triumph or thrill. As the saying goes, the trek was about the journey, not the destination. Everyday had its own thrills, and today is just another day.

11.3 miles to Lucy's house in Halifax (1.8+16.4 km)


  1. Glad to have you aboard! What a gorgeous day it was. We were so happy to be part of your last uphill walk.

    Now that the oven is heated up, I better get on with making the pretzels and helping you with the beer!

  2. at least you weren't finishing on the Crest trail the last few days. Lots of hikers stranded by lots of snow. We went over Williamette pass Wed Sept 25th and it was completely snow covered. More snow further north.

    1. Indeed, the weather window slammed shut on the PCT early this year and I hope only those few with true winter skills continue.- the rest need to declare victory wherever they are and stop.

  3. Steady!

    This is Salad Days. I hiked a few days with you on the AT this year. I am so glad to come across this site. I am also very excited about your completion of your 4000 mile trek! Congrats!!

    If you are ever in Los Angeles, I'd love to catch up over dinner.

    All the best,

  4. Steady & Spirit,
    Conglatulations on completing an amazing trek on water and land. We were so pleased to join you on a portion of the Florida paddle. We are looking forward to seeing you both in person again!
    Pat & Roger
