Can I finish on Sunday? I've been making good time.
Just how many more miles are left? What are the roads like? What will the weather be?
Just how many more miles are left? What are the roads like? What will the weather be?
- Spirit recalculates the miles remaining as of Wednesday night. Just 78. Three twenties and a final eighteen and we're done.
- Other than a few trail segments the final day, the route is hard pavement. Easy miles, but tough on the feet and legs, which are already sore. I'm going to slow down my pace a bit to reduce stiffness and pain.
- The weather forecast is sunny on Sunday, rainy on Monday. But that is a long way off and can change.
Sunday looks doable. But I still take time to stroll in Victoria Park and see the waterfalls.
As long as we're calculating numbers I play a little. In Boy Scouts, members can wear an insignia stripe above the pocket with how many nights camping or miles hiking and paddling they have completed. For grins, I added up my statistics as an adult Scouter plus my long distance treks: 1,000 nights camping and 11,000 miles hiking and paddling.
Fifty seven more miles to go over three more days. Sounds pretty tiny now.
Sep 26 - 20.9 miles just south of Alton (33.6 km)
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