Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Monday, July 21, 2003

2003-07 Port of Blog in Progress

Our original blog was at MSN Groups, which is no longer alive.  We archived that blog before its demise, and over time are moving it here.  We also have thousands of photos that we would like (someday) to share again.  Unfortunately for the blog, we are off on our next adventure, spending our time in the present instead of the past.  But we do have good intentions!

When complete it will include the following:

2002-01 Japan
2002-02 Thailand
2002-04 China
2002-06 Europe
2002-08 Tanzania
2002-10 India
2002-11 Nepal
2003-01 India
2003-04 Bali
2003-05 Australia
2003-07 Home