Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


There is a problem. WILDCAT and I are set to hike the trail in mid-September.  I want to hike.

But my right knee is now hurting. As I take training hikes, the pain increases. The longer I hike, the worse it gets. I have just four weeks to get in shape, but my training walks are getting shorter and shorter due to knee pain. My initial strolls of a few miles are now just a mile long. This is not good.

I recognize the pain since it led to surgery in the other knee last year. My left meniscus (cartilage) is deteriorated, so the surgeon did a temporary microfracture surgery to replicate some temporary cartilage. Now my right knee hurts.

I try to deny the reality I face, though I fear down deep that this hike is not going to occur. I desperately want this hike to happen. Am I really too old? Are my hiking days behind me already?

I let WILDCAT know that I am having knee problems, but I refuse to call off the hike, at least not yet. WILDCAT just bought his non-refundable tickets. This hike has to happen.