Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Paddle: Steinhatchee

Today was a good test. We faced 15 mph headwinds and moderately choppy water. We still cruised easily at 2.2 mph, and Rod was able to sprint at 4 mph, so there seems to be plenty of margin left.

Our planning assumption were the we could paddle in 15 mph headwinds, and 20 mph tail, abeam or quartering. So far that seems fine. I had compared those assumptions to ten years of daily weather statistics and estimated that we will have 20-25% non-paddling days, and that is dialed into the itinerary.

The water is cloudy, so not much to see except the birds.

We paddle up the Steinhatchee River for the night.

Distance: 8 miles
High 70, Low 45  partially sunny AM, then thunder storms and rain
Wind 10-15 headwind, then abeam.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your arrival in Suwannee
    on Saturday, perhaps at Salt Creek Restaurant,
    across street from kayak launch (Suwannee
    Community Center)
    Carol West
    Jane Connors
    Leroy Harmon
    Suwannee River Chamber of Ommerce
