Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ordinary people stretching the boundaries

We get asked how we can do such an adventure. We get a hundred page views a day on this blog, and email to us expressing how extraordinary this is.

That is puzzling.  We are just ordinary folks.

I know of extraordinary things, like the kayak race around Florida.  That requires athletes with extreme skill. That's not us. I know people who can disappear for weeks into the woods with just a pocketknife. That's not me. Those are extraordinary.

We're ordinary. And that's why you might get inspired by this blog.

Yes, we are fortunate.  We have our health, or at least enough.  We have always lived frugally, and saved aggressively. Our children are grown and living their own lives.

But we are just an average 60 year old couple. There is nothing particularly extraordinary at all.

Our hope is that this adventure of ours is inspiring.  If a boring, ordinary 60 year old couple from Oregon can do this adventure, then what can you do?

We could wallow in self-limiting internal chatter. After two back surgeries, asthma and other problems, I could limit myself. After a triple broken ankle and two surgeries,  Fran could limit herself. We don't. 

But we are fortunate.  We have enough health, but especially we have vitality.  That includes a state of mind. Play the hand you are dealt, and make the most of every day. Make your own luck (I learned that from my Dad).

I suppose it took a leap of faith when we embarked on our first adventure.  Friends called us brave. That sounded odd at first, but over time I understand.  It never occurred to us we were brave or anything else. But our adventure seemed too big, too unattainable to some friends.  

That is sad, at least to me.

We are just ordinary people. A 60 year old couple from Portland. But we understand that we need to live today to the fullest. There are no guarantees for tomorrow. Seize the moment as if it were your last day. It may well be. Rather than scary, I find that liberates me from fretting about the drek of daily life

So what are your dreams? Can you suspend disbelief and see yourself living your dream? Can you take the big step from dream to intention?  

Maybe it is to paint, or to write. Or build your own house. Or volunteer at a local center. Or reach out to that estranged loved one. Or travel. Or start a better relationship with your child or partner. Don't over think it. Down deep you already know, though it may take a quiet mind to let it arise. It is there, even if buried deep. What truly makes you happy? Deeply happy? What is it that makes you become the person you want to be?

Commit your dream to intention right here, right now. What do you dream of doing? Will you commit to following your dream?

Sure it takes time.  We spent several years developing the kayaking skills and planning for this trip.

But it starts with a strong intention. Most limits are self imposed, and can be vanquished with strong intention. Intention and commitment take no time. You just have to silence that internal, limiting chatter and say yes, today I commit to making my dream real. Ordinary people do extraordinary things all the time if only the let themselves.

Share your dream. Share your intention. Seize your life, seize the moment. What is your dream? Commit to it right now.

If you are already living your dream, share that.

Life is precious and today is a gift. What are you going to do with it?

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