Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stickler: Back to Sarasota

On the way down the gulf coast in February, I was sick in Sarasota.  To meet Pat and Roger on time, we skipped about 40 miles. That was the right call at the time as I was pretty tired when we resumed, even with short miles.

As we drove back towards St Marks, I just couldn't leave that gap.
I can't explain why that was important to me, but it was. Fran disagreed but was understanding enough to stop and let me paddle.

The first day was just a long 23 mile slog. In our foldable kayak now, and with a 13 mph headwind, the miles were hard. The forecasted 70 degrees turned out to be just a high of 61, and the water felt colder still. I was seriously cold. Not much fun. Why am I doing this? Ryan and Mel are here and we didn't get to visit them as much as I had hoped down in the Keys, but here I am paddling.

The second (and final) day was more fun. The wind was calm and the air warmed quickly with the clear skies. I shifted to paddling on the outside, along the gulf beach and had a good day. By mid-afternoon the wind was blowing from the west and swells grew to a few feet. When I beached for lunch, I tried to exit the boat in the water to not scratch it on the coral sand, but I ended up filling the boat with saltwater and sand. At the entrance to Sarasota Bay it got a bit rough where the wind and tidal current met sand bars, and the water was chaotic with breakers everywhere. The Feathercraft performed just fine, albeit not as well as a real sea kayak, but I came back inside to the Intercoastal Waterway for the last couple of miles.

As I rounded the last bend I felt excitement and completion, perhaps even more so than at Key West. For me, paddling this gap was the right thing to do. Now the paddling segment is done.


  1. I'm dying for an update Where are you guys??

  2. Okay, popular demand (well, one request) dictates that I post an update. I just crossed into Georgia today, north of Tallahassee.
