Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Sometimes people ask me if a long hike is meditative. 

I've met one thru hiker who has kept his practice going on the trail, and another out for a weeklong meditation away from his city life. But it is rare. 

Someone recently posted this quote from Mother Teresa:
"The fruit of Silence is prayer.
The fruit of Prayer is faith. 
The fruit of Faith is love.
The fruit of Love is service. 
The fruit of service is peace."

Several hikers have recently taken time off of the trail to visit New York City or Washington DC, and found the experience jarring after so much time in the woods. We get used to the silence. 

Walkin' Jim Stolz found a creative spirit on the silent trail that inspired his life and music, so that he shared his love of the outdoors with school children. His faith led to service and peace. 

I usually hike alone in silence. But with others I am a noisy Chameleon. I talk meditation with a practitioner, organic gardening with a farmer, adaptive network security with a geek, behavioral neuro with a neuroscientist, living abroad with an international traveler, and aquatic safety with a coast guard trainee. I know just enough to get each one excited about talking. 

I'm trying to learn to muzzle my own stories and get others to talk. That's not my natural habit. I heard great advice from a travel writer: always be less interesting than the person you are talking with. Good advice; difficult to practice. 

Perhaps in silence I can find MotherTeresa's peace. I do find reflection in silence, and optimism and growth in reflection. My hope is to expand my compassion.

When I returned from two years of travel and meditation, my son commented on my changed disposition. I had experienced a glimpse of the peace from service to others. He commented again as it regressed when I returned to work. I am a work in progress. 

I cannot mediate while walking. But reflection and faith come from silence, and compassion grows from listening to the stories of others. And I hope to inspire someone to pursue their dream. In that would come peace. 

20.2 Miles to Reservoir Road near Hamburg PA

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