Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blessings in Disguise

Recently cut grass triggered itchy eyes and throat, sneezing and a runny nose.

I had hay fever as a child. Many summer afternoons were spent on the couch waiting for an allergy attack to pass. My eyes and throat were the main targets. The eyes would get insanely dry and itchy but if I rubbed or even touched them they puffed up into red dry balls. Touching them only made it worse. My throat was parched and the roof of the mouth and sinuses itched fiercely. If I lifted my tough to the back of my mouth to sooth, it set off a sneezing storm. I had to just lay there, motionless and breath. I'd fantasize about driving a fork into my sinuses to stop the itching. 

My Mom had the worst part, staring into my puffy eyes and hearing me wheeze, helpless to relieve her child's suffering. 

As I reflect back now I am grateful for the childhood allergies.
It helped me learn to separate my mind from physical discomfort, to observe dispassionately rather than engage and get swept up. My body was just my body, the inner me was something deeper and stronger. The itching was just itching and would pass as long as I didn't amplify it by engaging with it, either physically or mentally.  Little did I know at the time but I was learning to meditate. 

To a reasonable degree I can now remain calm and mindful during challenging times. So I am thankful for child allergies. 

My allergies are less now, after several rounds of immunization therapy. They'll flare up if I mow the lawn or sweep dust.  Unfortunately the worst trigger now is cooking smells and I often have to leave the room or house. 

But still, as I walk through this recently mowed grass, and my body sneezes and wheezes, I am sincerely grateful. 

Rock Spring Hut, 23.9 miles

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