Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Friday, May 31, 2013


I crossed 2000 miles today. Spirit had spelled out 2000 in twigs arranged on the trail, so I let out a whoop as I crossed over it.

Halfway. Halfway between what? Sure, halfway from Key West to Halifax. But that is just the topography. I'm halfway from the person I was when I started to whomever I will be when I finish.

That's a change I welcome.
I liked the person I became on our travels and on the trails from 2001-2007. I didn't like the person I was back at work 2008-2012. Not that work is bad. I have had great memories of working hard with wonderful people accomplishing great things in the business world. That's fun and rewarding. 

But my last stint was not fun. The business was mismanaged and dying, and the culture one of gloom. I grew frustrated and impatient at the inability to produce change. I lost my sense of balance, of daily joy, of purpose. I put on weight, drank too much beer and basically let my soul deteriorate for four years.

The trail heals me. Nature is my counselor. Strengthening the body clears the mind. 

I'm halfway. Halfway back to being the person I want to be. 

19.1 miles to US 522 Front Royal VA


  1. Congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey (from one of the bicycle riders camped near ya at Boyds, Key West!)

  2. Good to hear from you. I really appreciate blog comments since I cannot tell who is actually reading any of this!
    Have any more 100 Mike bike rides planned?

    1. Next spring hopefully we'll be doing a "pirate" trip instead from Vero beach to Boyds! No pedaling but still loads of fun. Keep up the good work!
