Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown. Make today meaningful, and life is worthwhile.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pills - July 19

Part of the love of traveling and long hikes is the simplicity of life. Complications and structure fade away leaving just the basic elements of living. 

And then the pills showed up. 

"Take with food"
"Take 1 hour before or 2-3 hours after food"
"Do not take in combination with calcium including milk products"
"Do not lie down for 10 minutes"
Four pages of instructions.

I already take omeprazole in the morning 30-60 minutes before breakfast, and magnesium after dinner. I have milk products every breakfast and lunch. How do I squeeze in two Doxycycline and two Prednisone and meet all of the restrictions?

Spirit and I had a hard time solving the puzzle. We add the steroids to breakfast and dinner, but scheduling the antibiotic is complex. We finally pick 4am and 4pm.

Since magnesium reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotic (and cannot be taken within 2-3 hours of it), I decide to try skipping the magnesium and head to bed. My legs twitch. Then they jump and bounce. Spirit can feel the RV moving across the room. Then the legs start really kicking and I can hear liquids sloshing in their containers in the cupboards. Looks like I won't be able to skip the magnesium to optimize the antibiotic. At midnight I pop a pill, and I'll resume the practice of taking it just after dinner. 

Simplicity is gone. I take pills at 4am, 6am, 7am, 4pm, 7pm and 8pm. I'm a slave to the pill schedule for the next month. 

Only a few more hours until my 4am pill.


  1. Hi Rod, greetings from on the water! Sorry about your new pill regimen, but I am sure it beats the alternative! My sister had Lyme disease twice and the second time it went undiagnosed for a long time. The treatment then becomes something resembling cancer therapy, including a chemotherapy and other stuff to combat the arthritis which develops as part of the progression of Lyme's disease. I have a suggestion for a dairy replacement...Almond Milk. We have been using it in lieu of milk because it doesn't require refrigeration until opened and it is the only milk substitute we have found that (to us) actually tastes something like milk. We like the "Almond Breeze" from "Blue Diamond." The unsweetened "original" version or the unsweetened "Vanilla" version. Oddly, the latter one may taste more like cow's milk. Hang in there!

    1. On second thought, I see that calcium is the issue and Almond milk has as much calcium (through calcium carbonate additions) as ordinary milk. Sorry for the bogus suggestion.
